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FATHER: Breker Meneer 85.1SR
MOTHER: Middelpos Kerrie 88.5
{Hips A2:A2 Elbows 0/0}
DOB: 2.27.19
SABBS: 84.5 L {@ 15 Months}
AKC: WS71838901
HIPS: R.49 L.46 NO OA or DJD
ELBOWS: OFA Negative
HEART: OFA Normal (Auscultation, X-ray)
VH: Clear
EN/EC: Negative
DNA: Embark Clear
Middelpos Theia is the female we got when we asked Middelpos Boerboels in SA to send us a female worth starting a breeding program around and he nailed it. Her outstanding pedigree and scores are just the beginning.
Theia is very correct and what a female should be structurally. She has a wide chest, level topline and great rear angulation, but she is the most beautiful on the move with a stride that is mesmerizing!
Theia is an absolute love and would be in your pocket or on your lap 100% of the time if possible. We couldn't be more excited to see what she produces for our developing program.
ALL Health Testings have been completed and listed above.


FATHER: Elevation Gator 88.9 SR
MOTHER: Golden State Rush 89.2 L
DOB: 06.05.21
SABBS: 83.1 L @ 11.5 Months
AKC: WS73687702
HEART: OFA Normal (Echocardiogram, Auscultation)
VH: Clear
EN/EC: Negative
DNA: Embark cmr1
Our oldest daughter has always loved the boerboels she grew up with. While she was in college she had a male who was not in our breeding program but was just the best boy! Harvey being with her made us feel much more comfortable with her moving away to go to school. When he passed, she asked if we could find a brindle pup for her to raise and eventually be part of our breeding program.
When we heard that Golden State Rush had 2 brindle female pups in her litter we immediately reached out to Joseph @ Golden State. Fortunately we were able to get Scottie. She is a very striking girl with an amazing temperament. She has great angulation and moves effortlessly. She also has a very correct, lovely head. Scottie loves her people and is an alert watchdog.
She was appraised at just 11 months and scored a respectable 83.1 L. We plan to have her reappraised this spring. We absolutely love this beautiful girl and are looking forward to watching her continue to develop. We think she will be a key part of our program.


FATHER: KS Judge 93.4 SR
{Hips Excellent, A1:A1 Elbows 0/0}
MOTHER: Red Oak Hemi Mea Rose
{(Montana) 79.6 Hips R70 L57 Elbows 0/0}
DOB: 08.04.20
SABBS: 88.8 SR
AKC: WS70824401
HIPS: R.27 L.29 NO OA or DJD
(Auscultation, X-ray)
VH: Clear
EN/EC: Negative
DNA: Embark Clear
Mae Lady Melania (Ellie) is the daughter of Klein Sandfontein Judge,
a stud who speaks for himself. We knew that we definitely wanted
a pup from him to have in our program. When you factor in the
beautiful pups her mother, Red Oak Montana has produced at
Mae Boerboels it was an easy decision to add her!
Ellie has two speeds nine oh and snuggled up on my chest. She is very alert, and likely to be our best "watch dog" for the farm. Ellie likes to explore and is full of energy but she also "checks in" frequently which makes her easy to handle. You have to be ready
because her recall is excellent but her long legs don't always
get the brakes on before she gets to you.
Ellie's Embark testing was clear and her other health scores were fantastic. These are all great attributes but when you watch this 150 lb girl tiptoe around 13 puppies it melts your heart! She has proven herself to be an excellent mother and has produced some stunning pups! We absolutely love her!

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