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FATHER: Middelpos Gamka 87.1SR
{Hips A1:A1 Elbows 0/0}
MOTHER: Quredu Miss Molly 85.9
DOB: 4.26.19
SABBS: 87.5 SR
AKC: WS71839001
HIPS: L.32 R.32 NO OA or DJD
HEART: OFA Normal (Echocardiogram, Auscultation, X-ray)
EN/EC: Negative
DNA: Embark cmr1
Middelpos Rowdy was the first male that we imported from South Africa. Although the process was not easy, we are so glad we made that effort. Rowdy is precisely what we were hoping for and more!
As one of our mentors put it "you hit the jackpot" when you found him!
Rowdy has an exceptional head, thick chest and a tremendous amount of bone with outstanding, fluent movement for such a stout dog.
No, he is not one of those 200lb, 29 inch tall males that some seek, but his type and structure are exactly what we wanted for our program. As if that wasn't enough his personality and temperament are amazing. He has a presence about him that is hard to explain until you get to meet him in person!
Now that we have seen some of his offspring and included 2 of his daughters into our program, we think it's safe to say he is producing even better than himself. He passes down huge bone, wide chests and nice heads all while maintaining structural correctness. **Rowdy currently has sired the top 3 SABBS Highest Appraised Stud Register Females in the world.** This is an amazing accomplishment to say the least! And the best part is we believe he has so much more to contribute to the boerboel breed. Everyone who meets him absolutely loves him and what we hear more than anything is that pictures don't do him justice! He is one of a kind!
ALL Health Testings have been completed and listed above.

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