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FATHER: Middelpos Rowdy 87.5SR
{Hips R .32 L .32 Elbows 0/1}
MOTHER: Mae Lyra 88.2
{Hips R .15 L .36 Elbows Normal}
DOB: 10.15.2021
SABBS: 85.7 L
AKC: WS74853001
HIPS: OFA Excellent!
ELBOWS: OFA Negative
HEART: OFA Normal (Auscultation)
VH: Clear
EN/EC: Negative
DNA: Embark cmr1
Stella has an interesting story that has one of those it was meant to be endings. Stella (or Ylva from previous owner) was sold to another breeder as POL. When that person was unfortunately forced to sell her dogs due to personal reasons, Stella ended up where we believe she was meant to be all along. We had to work through some trust issues but to say she had made huge strides in that area would be an understatement. We can't wait to watch her continue to develop.
Stella is so much like her father Rowdy, not only in structure but personality also. She does things that make us call her "little Rowdy" daily. She is very compact with extremely tight hips that scored an OFA excellent, something you don't see often in boerboels! She has a beautiful head and is one of the prettiest brindles we've seen.
Welcome home to our lovely Stella!

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